Bharat Vikas PARISAD


Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma is the oldest Religion of the world and it is inscribed in various
scripture and the main one is Vedas. Vedas having oldest scripture and no one can say its origin
and so to Sanatan Dharma. All the slokas inscribed in Vedas are the research by Rishis and
most importantly many of them were women. After excavation of Harappan civilization,
historians describe Vedic period minimum 4000 to 6000 years back. Dharma, as defined in
various Hindu scriptures are not synonymous to Religion. It is cultural, spiritual and
Geographical identity also. Geographically, Spiritually and culturally India was one from North
to the Himalayas to South of Hind Mahasagar and east of way of Bengal to the west of Arabian Sea.

Vedas propounded the Science of Spirituality. They manifested that Brahman or atman is in
every creature and it never dies but only changes the body from one form to another. This is not
the part of God but it is god itself which is available in each creature. When anyone realizes
this atman then he comes out of the cycle of life and death and that is Nirvana. This atman is
formless and infinitive and rebirth is on the basis of Karma. The best Karma of Creature takes the
shape of a human being who can understand the basic concept of Atman and its complete
unification with Parmatma ( the eternal God).

It was not easy for each and everyone to connect himself with this formless god so various
form of god and goddess visualized also. This Visualization of images was basically as per
skills and attitude. such as Ganesha become the symbol of Knowledge and Hanumana the
Symbol of devotion and service, but the ultimate aim is to Meditate through these images to
understand Atman.

We always Propounded “ Akam Satya Vipra Bahuda Badanti” TRUTH IS ONE AND LEARNED
PEOPLE SAY IN DIFFERENT WAY. All the religion/Faith which originate at different places are
like streams originated at different places but ultimately mingle in the same ocean of god. The
ethos of all religion is assimilation, not destruction, Harmony And Peace not dissension.

Vivekananda had the strong view that fanatism has harmed the civilization and at large to
humanity. If this destruction would not have been then Mankind would have been more
developed than what is today.

Whenever any religion asked shelter, India not only given shelter but scope to Nurture also.
Zoroastrianism and Judaism would have been completely a part of the book only if India would
not have given shelter. This fanatism is only due to frog living in Particular well and not ready to accept that there is any world beyond this well. Need is to come out from this well and enjoy
the pleasure of this universe by enjoying nature and its different colour. The difference in
Nature is the beauty of nature and the same to thoughts and believes also... So accepting the
difference is natural and imposing anything as universal is against the natural way of life. This
is the basic principles of Vedas and Sanatan Dharma ie Hinduism.


The religion which survived for centuries due to its thoughts and science of Spirituality faces
a number of Geographical partition. Whenever the basic thought of son of the soil reduced to
the minority that area separated from us. Now Various questions are raised on its survival.

1. Is Tolerance of Sanatani a weakness?

Can you believe that only one wrong decision of partition resulted in the word biggest Genocide
of human history of the world in which lakhs of innocent people ( Hindus and Sikhs) were
massacred? Almost more than 30 % of the Hindu population were living in Pakistan and Bangladesh
before 1947 and now less than 2% and rest converted forcefully to Islam or killed... In India,
about 5 crores infiltrators entered in India and the anti-National lobby is active to settle them in
India by misguiding Muslim community under the patronage of few political parties. Hindus
become the minority at so many places in independent India and facing bruteness and due to vote
bank politics and pseudo-secularism they are unheard.

Disunity among Hindu is responsible for not raising voice against this but one day each and
everyone has to face the same consequences.

2. Is Cast System a tool to disintegration?

Hindu religion always accept change and due to Rigidity and domination of cast only for petty
gain divided our society and this division is the source by which opponent to Sanatan dharma
take advantage to weaken and converting people.

3.Untouchability a curse to great Sanatan thought.

We have to come out from this great evil of untouchability which is a bad spot on the bright face
of great Sanatan thought. Many brothers Stayed back to Pakistan and Bangladesh, misguided on
the unity of underprivilege. later on, converted to Islam by force and those not ready to accept fled
to India and they were not given Citizenship for last seventy years till CAA Passed in 2019. Same
history by the new politician who believes in disintegration is trying to repeat by giving slogan
Jai bheem and Jai Meem. The curse of Untouchability to be removed and inter cast marriage
to be emphasized to pay respect to great thought of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayanand
Saraswati and Veer Savarkar and ultimately to save great Sanatan Thought.

Pl, remember Maharana Pratap, Veer Shivaji, GuruTeg Bahadur and Guru Govind Singh and
his four sons who Martyred their life only to save our years' old culture and Tradition. You are
a great son of Great ancestors. Be Vigilant and see the danger of Future and Don’t be silent

After Independence, nothing tried to bring unity of thought among people of a different faith.
They either followed the path to divide and rule or the person took the charge has no
knowledge and affinity to Motherland and Spiritual and geographical concept of BHARAT.
After going through various thoughts Veer Sawarkar’s depict seems to be nearer to the
solution to check disintegration. However, there is always scope to adopt change as per need.

He emphasized on three basic guidelines.

1. Demarcate a geographical area and that is from Indus to Hind Mahasagar and whoever
lives in, all are Hindu, in Spite of their different worship system.

2. This is the fatherland of all who lives in this geographical area.

3. It should not only be fatherland only but have Punya bhumi also. Very simply he
defines to respect to ancestor, Heritage and culture of this great Civilisation.

He presented some example ie Bahabi Muslim who considered Mohammad saheb as
the eleventh Incarnation and give respect to all ten Hindu incarnations. All ten incarnation may God for Hindu but they are ancestor for all other beliefs and they considered them as
a great son of the soil. Gita and Ramayana may be holy books for Hindus worship system but the
scripture and Heritage and integral part of our culture for other faith. Any country can not
survive longer and prosper unless attached to its culture and root. This is the way to
assimilate by putting it in practice.


In conclusion, I again would like to repeat the word of Swami Dayanand Sarswati if
you want to see Bharat as Vishwa Guru return back to Vedas and follow the teachings
of Vedas. Many systems may be good for that time but may not be relevant today,
change it.

We are Indian first a synonymous word to Hindu as Savarkar emphasized.
This is my motherland /Fatherland and the land of Salvation/sacrifice. We are Indian first,
Bharat Mata is Our Pujniya and Vandematram is the ethos of all Indians.
Swasth, Samarth and Saskritik Bharat, where worship is personal and country safety
and development ( economically, socially and culturally) is common for all of us. This is
possible if these basic facts can be inculcated in the education system since childhood.
Bharat Vikas Parishad is striving hard in this Mission and giving a platform to Right
Thought to Assimilate. Various programs ie Patriotic Song Competition and Bharat ko
Jano Quiz competition and many more activities based on the principles and culture of India.

Please visit bvpindia.com. and associate in our Mission of SWASTH, SAMARTH AND

Jai Hind
